HomeEducationWriting tips for the IELTS candidates 

Writing tips for the IELTS candidates 

Writing is one of the four modules of the IELTS testing system. During the writing module, the examiner checks the candidate’s ability to write in english. In the writing module candidates have to write two tasks in just one hour. They are completely different from each other. So, candidates have to manage their time carefully as it is very crucial in the writing task. Also, there is a specific word limit for both writing tasks so, candidates should keep that word limit in mind. To ace the writing task first candidates have to get complete knowledge about the writing module. Such as the pattern of both tasks and question types. 

Although the writing module is not the toughest one, still many candidates struggle with the IELTS writing section. In the upcoming paragraphs, we will discuss some wonderful writing tips for IELTS candidates. 

However, candidates who are struggling with the IELTS exam preparations and looking for genuine assistance should join the best IELTS Institute in Amritsar. This is a trustworthy institution and provides top-notch guidance. 

Here are some incredible writing tips that help candidates ace the IELTS writing module with a high band score.


Start by brainstorming your ideas and creating an outline before writing. This will help you stay focused and organized throughout your essay. Also, it is an effective way of managing time productively. Therefore, it will help you to write your both tasks in the allocated time. 


Begin with a strong and concise introduction that clearly states your main argument or position. This will grab the reader’s attention and set the tone for the rest of your essay.

Body Paragraphs: 

Each body paragraph should focus on a specific point or supporting evidence. Begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph and then provide relevant examples or explanations to support your argument. It is advisable for candidates not to go off-topic. 


Make use of subheadings to clearly define and separate different sections within your essay. This will make it easier for the reader to navigate through your writing and understand your main points.

Evidence and Examples: 

Back up your arguments with relevant evidence, facts, and examples. This will make your writing more persuasive and demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

Coherence and Cohesion: 

Use linking words and phrases to connect your ideas and create a smooth flow between sentences and paragraphs. This will make your essay coherent and easier to follow.


Wrap up your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis statement. It is advisable not to provide any additional points in the conclusion of the article.


The more you practice writing essays, the better you will become. Set aside time to practice writing under timed conditions to simulate the IELTS exam environment and improve your speed and accuracy.

Use varied vocabulary: 

Try to incorporate a range of vocabulary to make your essay more engaging and impressive. Use synonyms and descriptive words to avoid repetition.

Grammar and punctuation: 

Pay attention to your grammar and punctuation. Make sure to use correct verb tenses, sentence structures, and punctuation marks. Moreover, proofread your essay to catch any errors.

Time management: 

Manage your time effectively during the exam. Allocate a specific amount of time for each task (planning, writing, proofreading) to ensure you complete the essay within the given timeframe.

Read extensively: 

Reading different types of texts, such as newspapers, articles, and books, will help you improve your reading and writing skills. In addition, it will also expose you to different writing styles and ideas.

Get feedback: 

Seek feedback from others, such as teachers or peers, on your writing. Also, they can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

Stay healthy: 

Take care of yourself during exam preparations. Make sure you exercise, get adequate sleep, and eat a balanced diet. This will support you in keeping your attention and focus.

If you want to polish your English-speaking skills then we recommend you to join the english speaking course in Amritsar and get the opportunity to learn from professionals. 

Wrapping up

Remember, practice is key to success in all aspects of life. Thus,  the more you practice writing essays, the more comfortable and confident you will become. In addition, you should also pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary usage during the writing section. 

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